Academic credit may be reflected on student transcripts for certain summer internship experiences.

The Internship Milestone Credit provides an opportunity for students in participating departments to receive academic credit for certain summer internship experiences on their transcript. The Milestone is optional for both students and departments, and can be pursued more than once. However, students must apply if their employer requires academic credit as a condition of an internship, or if they are an international student who wishes to apply for Curricular Practical Training. Princeton-funded internships are normally ineligible for this program.

The summer internship experience is unaffected by the Internship Milestone Credit, and the Milestone will not influence how one lists work experiences on a resume. Although the Milestone carries academic credit, it does not carry course credit, so it does not count toward the course credits required for graduation. Those with questions are welcome to contact the associate dean of the college

Student Guide: Internship Milestone Credit Timeline and Process