Academic credit may be reflected on student transcripts for certain summer internship experiences. The Internship Milestone Credit provides an opportunity for students in participating departments to receive academic credit for certain summer internship experiences on their transcript. The Milestone is optional for both students and departments, and can be pursued more than once. However, students must apply if their employer requires academic credit as a condition of an internship, or if they are an international student who wishes to apply for Curricular Practical Training. Princeton-funded internships are normally ineligible for this program.The summer internship experience is unaffected by the Internship Milestone Credit, and the Milestone will not influence how one lists work experiences on a resume. Although the Milestone carries academic credit, it does not carry course credit, so it does not count toward the course credits required for graduation. Those with questions are welcome to contact the associate dean of the college. Student Guide: Internship Milestone Credit Timeline and Process Step 1: Understand the timing & major declaration requirements Departments approve the credit, which means the Milestone is only available after your major is declared. You are eligible to apply to receive the Internship Milestone Credit beginning in the summer after you declare: For B.S.E. students, after the first year of study; and for A.B. students, after the sophomore year. If you are a first-year B.S.E. student, or a sophomore A.B. student, you may apply in the spring term provided that your presumed department has decided to make the Milestone available and, in time, will award the Internship Milestone Credit after your internship has concluded. Note that you may not declare a major early to be eligible for the Internship Milestone Credit as an A.B. student. At Princeton, declaring early is only appropriate if you wish to begin your independent work early, in the spring term of your sophomore year. Step 2: Review internship & department requirements General requirements Participating departments will review and approve the credit if your internship meets these requirements: The internship must be at least six weeks in length. The experience must be directly related to your major, and is awarded by the department. Internships that are related to a minor or certificate, but not your major, are ineligible. Additional departmental requirements A department may have additional requirements. Examples include completing a short paper or participating in a poster session at the start of the fall term. However, departments cannot alter the fundamental parameters of the Milestone. Faculty advisers The Milestone does not require you to have an individual faculty adviser. Step 3: Confirm that your department participates The Independent Milestone Credit Departmental Data and Contact Table shows participating departments with contact information. Speak with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in your department to confirm that it is offered. Step 4: Submit evidence of your internship for review If your department offers the Milestone, you will need to provide evidence of your internship offer for review in TigerHub, through the Office of the Registrar. Application Submit your application through TigerHub. Select the Internship Milestone App link on the Academic Tasks Tile. Approval Your application must be approved prior to the start of the internship; retroactive applications will not be considered. Verification At the conclusion of the summer internship, submit verification that it was completed, along with any additional work required by your department. This should be done prior to the start of the fall term. Step 5: Confirm completion of your internship to receive credit The Milestone Credit will be awarded by your department at the conclusion of your internship, after you have submitted required documentation to confirm that you completed your internship responsibilities. It will appear on your transcript during the fall term. Your specific employer or internship title will not be listed on your transcript; rather, it will include a line that says “Summer 2023: Internship Milestone Credit.” Important Note: International Students and CPT The Milestone is necessary, but not sufficient, for F-1 Visa undergraduate students to receive CPT work authorization. Upon approval for the Internship Milestone Credit, your application will be subject to additional review by the Davis International Center. CPT requires a very close relationship between the internship and major. In some cases, a department might approve the Internship Milestone Credit but the proposed internship experience will not meet the requirements for CPT as set forth by the federal government. If you are approved for a Curricular Practical Training (CPT) work authorization, failure to submit the required IMC documentation by the deadline may constitute a violation of status. International students who are in violation of their status will not be permitted to continue their studies past the University’s drop/add deadline, and will be required to take a leave of absence. Contact the Davis International Center for more information about CPT regulations and status. Resources for Students TigerHub Manage academic and enrollment tasks, including course enrollment and changes. Davis International Center Connect with resources and guidance specifically for international students. Current Semester Meeting Template Access a list of the semester’s meeting schedule in a format suitable for use in a course syllabus.