Understand the core commitment to academic integrity that unites all Princeton students.

All Princeton students pledge to adhere to the Honor Code in the conduct of all written examinations, tests, and quizzes that take place in class. However, much work at Princeton—from papers to problem sets to the senior thesis—will be produced outside of class, whether in the library, your dorm room, or elsewhere. Such work is also governed by the University’s academic regulations, which are designed to ensure the integrity of your academic work. These regulations fall under the jurisdiction not of the Honor Committee, but of the Faculty-Student Committee on Discipline.


Do you know how much collaboration is permitted in your courses? What's allowed can vary from course to course—and even from assignment to assignment—depending on the learning goals. In the video below, students and faculty discuss examples of collaboration that might fall into the gray area or in fact cross the line.

Before you work with a classmate on a problem set, paper, laboratory report, or computer coding assignment, make sure you understand the specific course policies. When in doubt, ask your faculty member or AI for clarification.

Research and Independent Work

Professor Betsy Armstrong (Sociology and School of Public and International Affairs), Professor Seth Perry (Religion), and Professor Alejandro Rodriguez (Electrical Engineering) sat down with Writing Center Head Fellow Maggie Baughman ’21 for a wide-ranging conversation about research and academic integrity at Princeton. Though designed especially for juniors embarking on their first independent work, their reflections and suggestions are broadly illuminating. We invite you to browse the excerpts below.

Conducting Research with Integrity

Acknowledging your sources through meticulous citation is foundational to the work of research with integrity. In this clip, Professors Armstrong, Perry, and Rodriguez reflect on the responsibilities and rewards of engaging with fellow scholars.

Giving and Receiving Appropriate Feedback 

What does excellent feedback look like? And how does it fit into one's writing process? In this clip, Professors Armstrong, Perry, and Rodriguez answer those questions—for their own work and for the independent research done by their students.

Managing Research Challenges 

All research projects involve unexpected challenges, some of which may seem insurmountable. But as Professors Armstrong, Perry, and Rodriguez discuss in this clip, there are always options for working around those speed bumps with integrity.