The University encourages and invests in innovative undergraduate teaching.

University faculty members are responsible for advancing the undergraduate curriculum. With that in mind, we consistently fund educational ideas that advance the University’s commitment to fostering innovative teaching and learning experiences, while offering opportunities to grow the next generation of educators.

250th Anniversary Fund for Innovation in Undergraduate Education

The 250th Fund for Innovation in Undergraduate Education is the University’s principal resource for curricular innovation. All proposals for new or reimagined courses should be submitted through the application portal by the deadline (typically the end of January). Awardees will have the full support of The McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning. Visit their site to learn more about funded projects.

Collaborative Teaching Initiative

Graduate students in the humanities and social sciences who have successfully completed their general examination and who have already demonstrated excellence in teaching as an AI in a previous semester may apply to participate in an initiative that allows them to co-design and co-teach an undergraduate course at Princeton with a faculty mentor.