Beginning in AY 2022-2023, departments may submit a proposal to establish or convert a minor. Undergraduate students in the Class of 2025 and beyond will be able to pursue minors approved by the Faculty Committee on the Course of Study (COCS) and the University's faculty. Alongside the creation of new minors, certificate programs may submit a proposal to convert an established program. Propose a New Minor or Convert a Certificate Detailed information about how to propose a minor and the proposal submission deadline can be found in this August 2023 memo to departments and programs. This year, proposals for new minors or revised certificates should be submitted to Dean Rebekah Peeples by February 1, 2024. Undergraduate Announcement Listing Template Introduction/Program Overview Briefly describe the focus of the program Goals for Student Learning What are the goals of the program for student learning? This can be conveyed in a bullet-point list or in narrative form in a short paragraph. In what way will the program build upon or supplement students’ work in their major field of concentration? Prerequisites What courses should students take in preparation for the minor? By what point should these courses be completed? Admission to the Program When must students declare? (Generally, this should be no later than the spring of the junior year and no earlier than the spring of the sophomore year.) How should students register their intent to pursue the minor? Is there an application? General Requirements / Program of Study What courses must students take, either as requirements or electives? What restrictions will be placed upon double counting with students’ majors? What other, non-credit bearing work will be required? Additional Details Independent Work (if applicable) Additional Information (if applicable) Resources Undergraduate Announcement Review academic regulations, programs of study, and undergraduate course offerings. Majors and Minors Find a complete list of approved majors, minors, and certificate programs.