Manage conversions, decommissions, and changes to course or program requirements.

Renumber a course

Please email the current course number, course title, proposed new course number, and brief rationale to the associate director.

Convert a one-time-only (OTO) course to a permanent (PRM) course

Proposals to convert an existing OTO course to a permanent course are reviewed during the academic year, first by the COCS and then by the full faculty. Normally an OTO course is offered a minimum of two times before the COCS will accept a conversion proposal. Permanent courses are included in the Undergraduate Announcement. Proposals should be submitted at least two weeks prior to a scheduled COCS meeting. Please email the following to the associate director

  • Memo from the chair or director of undergraduate studies, or program director
  • Recent Course Offerings proof
  • A recent syllabus 

Decommission a permanent course

Please email the following to the associate director

  • Memo from the chair, director of undergraduate studies, or program director
  • The course number, course title, and rationale 

Propose changes to department or program requirements

Significant changes to existing requirements such as the program of study, new or revised prerequisites, or additions or revisions of tracks within a major should be reviewed by the COCS during the academic year.  Minor updates to department or program requirements may be entered in Drupal as part of the annual Undergraduate Announcement update process. Submission deadlines are emailed to academic units over the summer.  Please address questions to the associate director