Michael Gordin Pronouns he | him | his Position Dean of the College Office Phone 609-258-3040 Email [email protected] Assistant Kristine Gindele Office 403 Morrison Hall Bio/Description Michael Gordin is the senior administrator responsible for Princeton’s undergraduate academic program. All matters relating to the curriculum, academic advising, academic regulations, and scholastic standing fall under him. Dean Gordin also oversees the Offices of Admission and Undergraduate Financial Aid, the Residential Colleges, the Office of International Programs, the Program in Teacher Preparation, the Princeton Writing Program, the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning, the Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity, Health Professions Advising, the Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship, and the Office of Undergraduate Research. The Council on Science and Technology also works closely with the Office of the Dean of the College.Dean Gordin is the Rosengarten Professor of modern and contemporary history. He served for six years as the director of Princeton’s Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts and is associated faculty in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. He earned his PhD in the history of science from Harvard University. His research and teaching focuses on the history of modern science, especially of the physical sciences and science in Central and Eastern Europe.Among other books, he is the author of Scientific Babel: How Science Was Done before and after Global English, Einstein in Bohemia, Five Days in August: How World War II Became a Nuclear War, and Pseudoscience: A Very Short Introduction. His books have been translated into Chinese, Czech, Estonian, German, Japanese, and Polish. He has received awards from the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment of the Humanities, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. In 2019 he was elected to the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences of Germany. AppointmentsFor those who’d like to see Dean Gordin, please contact his executive assistant, Kris Gindele, at 609-258-3040 or [email protected] (link sends e-mail).The dean does not have funds to disburse for individual or group projects, nor is he able to offer advice about where such funding can be obtained. Areas of Responsibility 250th Anniversary Fund Proposals Committee on Classrooms and Schedule Committee on the Course of Study Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid Curricular Innovations (250th Anniversary Fund) Grading Policy Shapiro Prize for Academic Excellence