Aug. 22, 2023


How to Conduct Princeton Undergraduate Courses

Regulations Governing Course Deadlines, Examinations, and Grading

Princeton’s procedures for conducting courses, including tests, exams, and grading, are institutionally specific.  These procedures guide faculty in course administration:  how midterms and final exams are scheduled and administered; the importance of University-established deadlines; how faculty can change a previously submitted grade; and when course evaluations are available.

  1. Tests during the term are given during the assigned class period.  Many courses give tests during midterm week, October 9 – 13; however, faculty develop their own course-specific testing schedules.  Instructors must submit midterm grades for all 100-200 level courses the Monday following the midterm break and are encouraged to submit midterm grades for all courses.

    Several departments that offer large multiple-hour courses (Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Physics, and Math) combine sections for specially scheduled midterm exams during the evening hours of midterm exam week.  If a midterm exam scheduled outside normal course hours conflicts with a regular class meeting of another course, the midterm must be rescheduled to accommodate the regularly scheduled course.  If you would like to schedule a midterm exam outside of normal class hours, please contact your department office.
  2. The final examination schedule is developed by the Registrar, acting for the Faculty Committee on Classrooms and Schedule.  The exam schedule is published by the end of the third week of class.  This schedule dictates when your course’s final exam is held if you opt to have a regular seated exam.  Please note that final examinations will be scheduled in every available block across the seven-day period (December 16 – 22, including the morning after Dean’s Date and morning, afternoon, and evening slots on Sunday).  You may assign a take-home exam instead of a seated final exam.  No take-home exam may be scheduled before Dean’s Date (December 15) or set a deadline beyond December 21.
  3. Extensions beyond the University deadlines for papers or projects due on Dean’s Date must be approved by a residential college dean if they exceed the 24-hour period during which faculty may exercise discretion.
  4.  Any adjustment of final examinations for more than 24 hours before or beyond the scheduled exam may be granted only by students’ residential college dean, in consultation with course faculty.  Adjustments within 24 hours of a scheduled examination may be made by the Registrar.  For a more detailed account of policies governing end-of-term work and extensions, please see the Undergraduate Announcement.
  5. Final grades are reported electronically to the Registrar.  “Failure Statements” must be submitted for all failing undergraduate final grades.  “A+ Statements” must be submitted for all undergraduate final grades of A+.  Instructions for reporting grades are available online.  Faculty receive grading instructions in November. 
  6. Requests for grade changes may be made online only by the instructor in charge of the course. Requests will be reviewed by the senior associate dean of the college acting for the Faculty Committee on Examinations and Standing.  Grade changes are approved only to correct a miscalculation or a data entry error and should not be used as a mechanism to address student grade appeals.  The process by which students may appeal a grade is found in the Undergraduate Announcement.
  7. Members of the faculty should discuss results of final examinations with any student who so requests.  Many instructors return exams to students immediately after grading them. Instructors should keep unreturned exams for one year.
  8. Students who have completed the online course evaluation process will have electronic access to final grades as soon as faculty submit them.  Faculty will have access to their course evaluation results after submitting grades.

            Thanks for your attention to these many important details.  We appreciate your willingness to conduct your courses in a way that’s consistent for all of Princeton’s undergraduate students.  If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of the Dean of the College (8-3040) or the Office of the Registrar (8-3361) or email us at [email protected] or [email protected].